Home arrow Gallery arrow CAI-A Altenfelden 2009 & Golden Wheel Trophy 2010arrow Golden Wheel GUEST AWARD 2009
Golden Wheel GUEST AWARD 2009
The 6th CAI-A Altenfelden Golden WHEEL GUEST AWARD from the UNION REIT und Fahrverein Altenfelden Muehltal goes to GERMANY. THE ALTENFELDEN GOLDEN WHEEL TEAM, UNION REIT und FAHRVEREIN Altenfelden hand out the Golden Wheel Award to the Winner of Pairs Driving 2009 Mr. Burggraf Reinhard Germany TEAM Driver and Existing Germany National CHAMPION SHIP WINNER in Pairs Driving. Reinhard Burggraf know´s CAI-A ALTENFELDEN very well and he has also Birthday every YEAR in Altenfelden...all the best to him 2009 and to the Germany Nation TEAM...Germany TEAM.
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